My memories as an 80s kid

Growing up in the 1980s was truly an exciting and unforgettable era. It was a time when the world was on the cusp of a technological revolution. Imagine, it was the year 1989, and I was just a 7-year-old kid filled with wonder. One particular memory from that time stands out vividly in my mind: my aunt had a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), and it had the legendary game, Mario Bros.

I can still feel the rush of excitement as I stepped into her house to play Mario Bros. It was a magical experience that transported me to a world filled with adventure and challenges. I took control of Mario, the heroic plumber, and embarked on a journey that would leave an indelible mark on my childhood. But it wasn’t all fun and games; there was a real sense of tension and dread when facing off against Koopas, Goombas, or perilous pitfalls. Each jump, each obstacle, brought a surge of adrenaline as I navigated through this pixelated wonderland.

Back in those days, having a game like Mario Bros. was a treasure beyond compare. Sure, there were other gaming options like Atari, but nothing came close to the thrill of guiding Mario through his adventures. It was a game that brought people together, creating lasting memories with friends and family.

One cherished memory involved those rare trips to the arcade. I can still recall the anticipation that built up as my dad and his friend planned an outing to the local arcade. With pockets jingling with quarters, we set off on foot, and I tried my best to match my dad’s confident stride. They shared hearty laughs as they noticed my attempts to mimic their walk, making those moments all the more special.

Those days of the 1980s may be a distant memory now, but the magic of Mario Bros. and the joy of those arcade adventures will forever remain etched in my heart. It was a time when the world was changing rapidly, and we were lucky enough to witness the birth of something truly extraordinary.

Well these are just random thoughts I wrote down over the last week as I reminisced about why I became a gamer and continue to play games, new and old to this day. Please leave me a comment below if you’re interested in hearing more stories. Also I will try to post one blogpost a week talking about what I’ve been playing. I’m curious as to what everyone else is playing these days.

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